you definitely can’t fault the characters! Will, Marsh and Klaus are well rounded,
flawed and believable. Will, an upper class young man whose alcoholic
grandfather forced him into a world of dark magic, is charming and genuinely
funny. His character arc is the most tragic, as we watch him fight against
becoming all the things he hated about his grandfather.
urchin turned spy Marsh is dark but will a concrete centre of nobility, he’s
believably good at his work and more than a little bad ass. While he has no
mercy for those on his level, and time again Marsh defends those weaker than he
is. This instinct is handled quite subtlety, and it was an impressive piece of
characterization. I also enjoyed the relationship he has with his boss/father
figure. An impressive example of showing over telling.
Klaus, while on the outside should be wholly unlikable, garners the reader’s
sympathy through his tragic upbringing and love for his sister. What makes it
worse is the guy clearly can’t see how abusive and awful his life has been, all
he wants is to impress the man who inflicted much of the suffering upon him.
It’s a clever way of making the reader actually care about what happens to a
nazi character, without having to make them secretly all noble and good inside.
His sister, who has see the future, is a more mysterious character. Tregillis takes full advantage of her abilities and it’s a lot of fun watching
her be twenty steps ahead of everyone. He also wisely never lets us inside her
head, making us view her through the eyes of others and thereby preserving her
prose, plot and characters can not be faulted. But sadly this book is really,
fatally, let down by the pacing. It’s too short, for a start. The whole war is
blitzed over in this relatively short volume. But that could have still worked,
if it weren’t for Tregillis’s maddening habit of only showing us the
aftershocks of events. None of the major decisions were made “on page-” we only
ever saw the characters discussing things after they had been implemented.
There are few action scenes, instead there are scenes where the characters deal
with what has already happened. For example; we have one sentence of Marsh
saying hello to a girl, and then the next scene he is in is their wedding. It’s
very jarring.
jumps in time also means that instead of smooth character progression the
characters appear almost like new people each time we meet them, Will
especially. Of course it’s a good thing when characters change- that’s what we
want! But the whole point is for the reader to see it happening, not to jump
from a to c with nothing inbetween. It keeps the characters at arms length,
which is a shame because like I said they are very well crafted and it would
have been easy to get really attached to them, which would have given the
book’s ending a much bigger impact.
think when you out the pros and the cons together what you're left with is a book
that’s not bad, but not entirely good either. I think I will read the next one
(even though the cover the new publisher has gone with lacks all the grace and
charm of the original cover of Bitter Seeds, which is what drew me to the book
in the first place), if only to see if Tregillis can bring his pacing up to the
same level as everything else.
I bought this book